Royapettah, about 6326 Sq.Ft. Furnished Office with about 50 workstations, 9 cabins, 2 Conference Rooms, Air Conditioning, 100% Power Backup, Pantry, Server Room and 6 car parks. Immediate occupation.
Royapettah, about 1135 Sft Unfurnished office premises with Power backup, Lift and 1 open car park.
Royapettah, on the main road, about 1834 sq.ft. semi furnished office with partitions, Power backup and Lift. 1 car park will be provided. Immediate occupation.
Royapettah, abt. 2031/2669 sq.ft, 3/4 bedroom brand new apartment, west/east facing is available for immediate sale. Gym, Sauna, Terrace party area, Indoor Games area, Multi purpose Hall, Power Backup & 2 Car parks are provided.
Royapettah, off Anna Salai, about 3000 Sq.ft. Furnished office with about 20 workstations, 3 cabins, conference, separate restrooms for Men and Women and 2-3 open car parks.
Royapettah, about 1000 Sq.Ft. Furnished office with 12 workstations, 3 Cabins, Centralized Air Conditioning and False Ceiling. 1 reserved car park available. Immediate occupation.
Royapettah, about 2000 SqFt, semi furnished office with about 25 workstations, Director’s Cabin, Conference Room, Reception, Pantry, Restrooms. Unreserved first come first serve car park.
Royapettah, abt. 1727 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, south facing apartment on the 1st floor with furnished premises is available for immediate rent. Club House, Gym, Small park, 100% Power backup & 2 Covered car parks are provided.
Royapettah, about 1800 sq.ft, 3 bedroom apartment on the 6th floor with furnished premises, power backup & one car park is available for immediate rent.